And that’s how Jebheh Melli was born

In this photo dairy, Mostfa Madni shows the events that ultimately led to creation of Jebhe Melli.  This all apparently started when there were massive frauds in parliamentary election, and Darbar (Valeeh Fagheeh of that time) would not listen to the objection.  Under the leadership of Mossadegh the efforts turned into a public movement as the Doctor called for a sit in at Darbar!   He combined this, with asking people for their participation and as the pictures show they obliged.

Hopefully this will be a lesson for those who are actively trying to bring about democracy to Iran, on how to press with the just demands for free/fair/open election.

I found the story amuzing but sad, as our plight since Mashooteh have had no results. 

The event where Mossadegh was leading the group to Darbar, where he said we will have a silent walk and someone jumped in and chanted death to Shah and long live Mossadegh, and Mossadegh ordered the guy to be removed, and insisted our walk will be silent had an eerily similar tone to the silent walk after the fardulant election.

Will we live to see the day, when what is taken for granted in the rest of the world, as far as freedom of choice in an election be realized?   I asked this of my late father some 20 years back, and he said, I don’t think in my time.   Unfortunately, I am no more optimistic.   

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